About Me

Sabrina Fuchshuber

I’m back with some more incredible tools to help you shift your mindset and programming. As life is, their might will be some storms again and you might will be triggered but with having those new tools I’m sharing with you, it will be much easier and quicker to overcome those moments until they will start to feel like a soft summer breeze.

Hypnosis combined to it, will give you the insurance that you can make it as long you are 100% in for it.

I wont be wasting your time or your money. If I think you are not full in and don’t really want to achieve the wished outcome, I will directly let you know and wont commit to take you on as a client.

About my background:

I started in homeopathy 15 years ago, went from there to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yoga and Mindfulness Coach to professional Counselor. I’m a certified NLP practitioner,  Reiki Master and energy healer. The combination of holistic healing, understanding the neurological part of our body and how our brain works, is in simple words mind blowing. The achievement we can reach with this knowledge is just life changing and therefore I want to share it with you.

I m a healer, as I think we all are. Starting with healing ourselves, makes us a healer, right. If you are looking for perfection, I have to disappoint you, you wont find perfection in me. I am a human as we all are, with up’s and down’s and flaws. What you will find is a devoted, genuine and honest heart with skills some or most don’t have. You’ll decide if you are in good hands with me. Only than we will be able to make “magic” happen.

At the moment I only do offer online sessions and for thus who rather want to do all by them self, their will be a download soon that will enable you to use it whenever you want, need and have time for it.

Really looking forward to help make some positive changes. Sending love.